If we were suddenly allowed into paradise ()


When divers go deep, their bodies adapt to a greater pressure. When they come back to the surface, they have to make decompression stops - otherwise they could die...

If a Bedouin finds someone dying from thirst in the desert, they don't gave them a lot to drink. They give only a few sips.

The inhabitant of the desert knows that the thirsty guy would swallow the entire gourd if they let them, and they would die from the shock. So, in spite of their supplications, they let them wait for more...

When it is freezing cold and you spend some time outside without gloves, after a while your hands get used to the temperature. The painful moments happens when you come back inside and warm up your hands...

"That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing"... What we experience in the physical world always teaches us some truth about the invisible worlds...
I once reassured a friend who had great difficulty in being surrounded by people. She craved company but she couldn't bear it! I had the same problem...

When we catch ourselves not wanting what we believed we wanted, whilst still wanting it when don't have it, we, human beings, have a tendency to judge ourselves. All we understand is that there is something wrong with us. But no, there is nothing wrong...

The big mistake you make only once when coming back inside with cold hands in winter is to turn the hot water tap on... It burns! Even cold water feels warm when our hands are even colder...

It takes time to get used to the warmth again, and able to enjoy it.

Sometimes life is lonely. When we find the way back to human warmth, much to our surprise, we can't stand it. It's normal. There is nothing wrong with us.

If we were suddenly allowed into paradise, it would be a terrible shock...


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