Hold the power!
Dear unknown friend, Imagine an angel comes to you and asks: "Can you hold this for me , I'll be back as soon as possible" Before you've got time to even think, you find yourself with the object in your hands and the angel is off. It's a sword. It's a magical thing . You know intuitively that with such immense power in your hands, you can create wonders, heal diseases and open ways of light into the darkness, but you can also cause immense suffering if you are only awkward, or driven by anger, fear or resentment... You know that you are often awkward. Your friends and family know that it's better not to ask you to carry a tray loaded with crystal glasses to the next room. You also know that in spite of all the love in your heart, sometimes you feel very pissed off by things other people say or do and that you have a tendency to be resentful. Now you've this powerful magical sword in your hands. Just think of someone wi...