Spiritual love making
Dear unknown friend,
Sexuality is a particularly sensitive area of life, or at least it is for many of us. Maybe there are out there rough individuals who have no problem being just instinctive like horny cockroaches when it's time to copulate, however, for many of us, psychological complications like self awareness interfere with the basic natural urges.
In the daft social world that surrounds us, a very toxic idea is that your worth as a sexual partner is a question of performance. I have never heard any male bragging in front of their mates about how sensitive they are in bed. It's a shame really, because in reality, feeling a dance of energy in your skin at the slightest touch means much more pleasure and connection with the other than having to rock and roll to get high...
Moreover, an orgasm rarely lasts for hours, not even minutes. It's far too short. Making love should be like feeling the entire bodies inter penetrating, not just the man's penis in the woman's vagina. Real making love is like milk ad coffee meeting in a cup. Let's make it fair trade coffee and almond milk to keep the metaphor vegan. The sense of being a separate individual should disappear slowly and the two become one for more than ten seconds. Eternity seems a better plan.
What I'm describing here is how love is made in Heaven. Here on earth, the humans who are aware enough of their subtle bodies, can taste this love. The physical bodies may dance tirelessly on all kind of rhythms, as you do when you are in a trance, but this will have nothing in common with the movements of male arrogance proving its power to a female absorbing it...
It is the life force which leads the dance. We are temples of this force, coming from spirit. A temple is always hollow. We are all female at the end of the day. Only Spirit penetrates. The rest is penetrated. Males should be able to enjoy that, without feeling awkward about their maleness...
Dear unknown friend, maybe this is just a fantasy. I don't think so, but even if it is "just" a fantasy, it's a fantasy with equality in it, and how could men and woman really see each other as equal, if this equality is not integrated in our sexual fantasies?
I wish you love...
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