We can create happiness out of thin air

We can create happiness out of thin air.

I love Greta. I love that a teenage girl finds herself riding a wave which she did not create, that nobody engineered but the collective psyche. She was just doing her bit, at the right place and at the right time for her seed to grow.

The collective psyche is the greatest power. We come from it and even as individuals we remain rooted in it.

Of course, dear conspiracy theorists and friends, of course governments, secret services, financial powers and big corporations keep doing whatever they can to influence or confuse public opinion - and confused we are. Some people believe that the earth is flat. Some people believe crop circles are man-made, and that it’s possible without a line in wiki leaks about it. Some people believe that climate change is not happening, or if they accept it does, they believe it’s not because we have been burning coal and oil in huge quantities, along with breeding, in conditions that are comparable to concentration camps, huge numbers of methane burping cows…

Everything is expression of the collective psyche.

The collective psyche is us, human beings. As individuals, we come out of it and we live rooted in it. We are way deeper than the CIA is clever. The unconscious underworld is not mastered by the Rockefeller family. We are way deeper than our own knowledge of ourselves. The greatest power lies deep down there, and nowhere else.

We can create happiness out of thin air. I love that a teenage girl with Asperger can speak a pure and radical teenage language at the tribune of the UN and be heard by the whole world. I may disagree on certain points but not on the fundamental message:

We are the children

Our planet is in danger

What are you doing?

I’ve not forgotten that I was a teenager, and like a teen, maybe, I’m still disgusted by the way a great deal of members of my species behave. We shouldn’t need the threat of storms and floodings way bigger than anything we could cope with to love and respect the earth we’re walking on. She is Mother. The children are scared. We keep burning fuel, we keep buying way more material goods than needed and eating so much more meat than is healthy- even from the point of view of those who don’t believe that a strictly plant based diet is a healthy diet…

If I disagreed with Greta, the point would be to address world leaders as if they had power. They have, to some extent, but what is political power compared to the power of all of us buying and consuming?

The real power is in the psyche. We all have a little access to it, because we are part of it, we are it, bodies and souls. To save the planet, we need to buy less and less of whatever threatens life in the way it is produced, shipped or consumed. We need to live a simple life. We need to say prayers to thank the spirit of the buffalo when we eat it.

We need to create happiness the proper way.

Focusing on our breath. 


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