We can create happiness out of thin air
We can create happiness out of thin air. I love Greta. I love that a teenage girl finds herself riding a wave which she did not create, that nobody engineered but the collective psyche. She was just doing her bit, at the right place and at the right time for her seed to grow. The collective psyche is the greatest power. We come from it and even as individuals we remain rooted in it. Of course, dear conspiracy theorists and friends, of course governments, secret services, financial powers and big corporations keep doing whatever they can to influence or confuse public opinion - and confused we are. Some people believe that the earth is flat. Some people believe crop circles are man-made, and that it’s possible without a line in wiki leaks about it. Some people believe that climate change is not happening, or if they accept it does, they believe it’s not because we have been burning coal and oil in huge quantities, along with breeding, in conditions that are comparable to conce...